Absolutely obsessed with this line: "I would go so far as to say I was bedazzled by her, in that her light landed on me like a sticky jewel, and never left."

Such a beautiful description of the feeling of meeting a forever friend 💛 Thank you for sharing this story!

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I came to this letter via Beth Kempton and I am intrigued to discover exactly what your books are about. I know Manchester well and I can empathise with the fear of criticism and judgement when publishing your first book as I am about to hold my first photography exhibition and alone. It’s a vulnerable place to be

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Thanks for reading, Cath, and for being here. Being visible, feeling seen, is so vulnerable… and so necessary for connection, hey? I’m absolutely cheering for you and your exhibition. May it light up your heart and every heart of everyone who attends.

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I can’t wait to learn from you on INK + FLAME!

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I’m so happy you’ll be joining us, Josefin!

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As always Holly, the right words at just the right time. Thank you ❤️

One of my favourite quotes from Howards End, "Only connect. That was the whole of her sermon."

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Thanks so much for being here and for reading, Jo. And for sharing that Howards End quote! Made me catch my breath. What a beautiful tattoo it would make...

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Beautiful. Always been a weirdo, punk rocker at 15, vegan at 19, 'woke' leftie! Just read Alice & Esther and was enthralled! Thank you Holly! I love the idea of never 'growing up', of course I will age and grow old but my rebellious spirit will always be with me and I'll do my best to pass it on to my 3 daughters who love that I'm weird and like (mostly) good music! I use to have a Tshirt by a band called Avail and on the back print it said "Poor , Ugly, Happy". Wore it until it fell apart! Long live the weirdos, the strange, the curious and the adventurous xx

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Beautifully said. Long live the weirdos, the strange, the curious and the adventurous! Here's to giving a shit, and to wearing our hearts on our sleeves, even if and when both are in tatters. Here's to us all. Thanks for being here, and for reading my work, Greg!

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‘Just tell me, just tell me, is Alice okay now?’ 😭😭

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Right, love?! It was one of my first interactions as an author with booksellers, and left such a mark on my heart. Someone took a photo of us having the conversation, and I just treasure it.

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We all need to know Alice is okay. They asked for us all 😭

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I'm undone! 😭😭😭

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