Stay safe, Holly. We are on the coast up in Redcliffe and I too am feeling quite anxious and uncertain, hopeful that this will not be as bad as predicted but ready. I've been reading and journalling to keep myself calm (between work jobs....) and keeping my pugs close. They are blissfully unaware (thankfully!). Sending hugs x

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With you, Kass. The uncertainty is difficult to metabolise and bear. Keep those beautiful pugs and your books and words close. Superpowers, all. Sending love and safety wishes to you and yours.

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Stay safe! Hopefully you are not too affected at Redcliffe. Although where it crosses is a big unknown at the moment. Are you getting much wind or rain? We haven't yet in Brisbane.

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Thankyou. Its grey and cloudy, there’s some wind but nothing too unusual for here. We’ve had smatterings of rain. I honestly think the waiting might be the worst part. Hope you can stay safe and dry, too! X

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Yes the waiting is the worst

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May you and all in S.E Queensland and Northern NSW be safe and well

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Thank you Ruthie.

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Stay safe Holly. I used to live in Brisbane and S.E. Queensland still feels like home, though I am now well rooted into place just outside of the ACT. May you and everyone affected by this cyclone sail through safe and unscathed! I also want to thank you for your notes to self as I too need to take those notes for myself.

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Thank you so much, Geneviève. I'm so glad my notes resonate.

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I hope you, your loved ones and your new home stay safe with the impending weather. We have done all the prep we can and are now just waiting. The waiting seems interminable as the time the cyclone will make landfall keeps getting pushed back. I am trying to keep myself focused writing rather than worrying.

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Thank you. With you, Kate. The waiting is dreadful. I hope you and everyone and everything dear to you is safe. Love to you at your writing desk.

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Keep safe!

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Thank you Sylvia.

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Your notes really seeped into my heart and gut this month Holly; it's like your words give life and breath to some of the thoughts that puddle through my head, not quite fully formed until your notes give them a skeleton to begin to build life on. I have also just finished Gina Chick's incredible book "We Are The Stars" (a sublime read, of courage and listening to the truth of who we are and the connections that bind us all) and coupled with your notes, I feel it is becoming safe to slowly open my tightly closed heart again and offer the world MY words. Such a powerful thing; thankyou 💚

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The waiting is interminable and the occasional blue sky patch belies the reality of what is coming. For all who will feel the effects of Cyclone Alfred, stay safe, make smart decisions and let's get through this together.

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It's certainly deceiving. We haven't had much wind or rain yet! Tonight may change.

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I hope you, your loved ones, your community and your new house stay safe! I loved this list and I love that you make them every start od the month🩷

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Feeling all your feels as I sit waiting in limbo for TC Alfred to arrive. I hope you stay safe and your exciting new nest is unharmed.

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Thanks for your notes Holly. I’m just down the road from you in Main Beach in an apartment and sitting both physically, mentally and emotionally in this surreal space where last night we were terrified that our lounge windows would shatter from the wind and now twiddling my thumbs wanting to go out for a run as it seems like a normal if somewhat dreary day. Your suggestion to rest is what really spoke to me and I will give myself permission to take naps where I can this weekend. 🤗 Hope everyone is staying safe. 💗

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Thinking of you and the many, stay safe! ❤️

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I hope you're staying safe! Enjoy the thrill of becoming a homeowner. It can fade a bit under the daily tasks, but don't let that happen too quickly. It's glorious and scary. Take photos of putting art on the walls and moving the couch around. Some day those photos will bring this joy back to you!

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PS just read the official statement you highlighted. Scary stuff. I’m in the UK 🇬🇧 I feel lucky to be here.

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So much to absorb and use for myself in your post- thank you so much. I am inspired.

Also- let us know you’re ok when you can? Will be hoping that you and your home survive unscathed x

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Loved it .Notes to self with love

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I’m on the Sunshine Coast and prepared for whatever comes our way. Stay safe everyone in the SE xx

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