What a beautiful painting! In a time where there's a lot of focus on toxic cycles, it's good to also remember that many cycles are beautiful

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Such beautiful and moving sentiments Holly. Thank you. 🙏

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Ali’s painting is gorgeous! Couldn’t agree more about creativity being contagious. Sharing our creative highs and lows is such an important way to connect with others on similar journeys. ❤️

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As you know and do so well for so many with Writes 4 Women, Pam! Thank you for being you!

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An inspiring post! Thank you, Holly. Your thoughts on alchemy resonate. And what a beautiful book cover. Best wishes as you begin your third novel.

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Thanks for reading, Robin, and for taking the time to comment. I appreciate your wishes, and will carry them with me!

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Holly, I’m excited to read you’re in Bronte country which is a part of the world I’ve lived and love still. I recommend a visit to Thornton to see the Bronte birthplace and while yours there visit Plenty cafe which has excellent coffee, food and a great community ethos.

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Liz, thank you for sharing your beautiful words and excitement with me - they bring me excitement and joy too. And for your wonderful Thornton recommendation, including Plenty cafe (sharing excellent coffee, food and community is one of my love languages, I am sure).

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Love your words Holly and the painting. I find your writing deeply moving. I was excited to find out you had another book coming out last winter, as I loved Lost Flowers of Alice Hart, and I immediately preordered it. As soon as I finished The Seven Skins of Esther Wilding, I picked it back up and read it again, I needed to let it sink in a bit more. To really feel it in my bones. I may just need to get a tattoo incorporating some aspect of the book and tales you told. And Maybe a bit of Hilma's swans for good measure.

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Dear Vesta, your words humble me. Thank you for reading my books, for giving Alice and Esther your time, for feeling their stories in your bones. I think Hilma's swans for good measure in any situation is never a bad idea. And if you ever get your tattoo, I hope it brings you a deep sense of homecoming joy.

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This is just what I needed for Friday!! ✨

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🔥 🫂 🔥

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this makes me smile and what a beautiful painting! ❤️

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I'm so glad. You can feel the joy Ali felt painting it, can't you?

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