(#9) Before I Begin Part 2: Rituals
Whatever the fuck it takes to remember the value in creating still exists
Dear readers of the Joy Rise,
Welcome to Part 2 of my This Writer’s Life three-part series, ‘Before I Begin’. Where I’m sharing how I prep for a big creativity project - in my case, writing a new novel this year.
(Catch up on Part One: Nerves, Anxiety, or Excitement here.)
When I had the idea to write this series around October last year, I was very excited to explore and share it with you. I did not anticipate then that I would be writing it or sending it to you amidst the ongoing terrifying and horrific news cycle we are still and currently living through. I realise we could say that about most of the things we dared to hope for in 2025. Which is why I’ve sub-titled this essay:
Whatever the fuck it takes to remember the value in creating still exists.
(N.B.: if you feel depleted right now and can’t create anything, may I suggest taking all pressure off yourself, and don’t. Rest. Drink water. Call a friend. Creativity will wait for you.)
This essay, Part Two, is about the role that rituals play in my writing process. Below, I share some of the quotes, poems and lyrics that I’ve collected while developing each of my books. Plus photos, descriptions, talismans, trinkets and playlists I’ve gathered to immerse myself in the worlds of my stories and bring them to life on the page. A sampling of the many ways I find the grit to face and manage fear so I can write.
Coming soon will be Part Three, the final in this series, which explores BELONGING (in response to imposter syndrome).
I hope that each essay can accompany your imagination like a friend bringing you some of what you need to stir the ideas simmering / boiling in your creative heart.
There is so much asking for our attention - thanks for sharing your time with my words here and supporting my work.